Is very pleased to be in the August edition of 'Artists & Illustrators' magazine - in the 'Life Drawing' section.
The last few months have been very busy for Mark and I as we were organising our wedding which took place last month. We decided to get married on the day of our 10 year anniversary together which went beautifully and thought it would be good to share a couple of photographs on my blog. It was a small affair, exactly how I had envisaged and Lila Pearl was the perfect bridesmaid. We all had a fantastic time. Since then my place of work has also moved further afield, so I am now cycling to and from work which has taken a bit of getting used to. One good thing about it is that I get time to think up new ideas for paintings, and am now gearing up to start a new painting as soon as I can. A huge thank you to Torie for our wonderful wedding cake and cup cakes, it was definitely the best fruit cake we've ever tasted. Tories website 'Victoria & Florence' is beautiful and well worth a visit, just click on this link - |
January 2025