Printed silk fabrics - Classic cars
‘Classic cars’
Printed silk fabrics - Classic carsHere are a few more of my designs printed on silk...
‘Classic cars’
Just trying to take some photographs of my helicopter fabric. It was very hard, as you can see from the little hands! I will get some better ones soon....
Look closely at my scarf... My portrait and printed textiles combined! I am currently trying out my artwork on scarves, they are not all portraits but other imagery I've painted. I will add the others shortly. 'Baker Girl' silk scarfIt has been over two years since writing on my blog! I have been very busy, not with my portraits but with life in general. Both mine and my daughter's lives have changed in a positive direction since the tragic loss of my husband and my daughter's beloved father suddenly back in 2015. I had to continue working through, so just did not have the time or inclination to paint my portraits.
A couple of years past and I meet my boyfriend and father to our 10 month old beautiful baby boy. We are all in love and awe of our little bundle of joy and feel so blessed. Lila-Pearl adores her brother and he adores her. We are all in such a good place right now. Of course, not a second goes by without thinking of Mark. He will always be with us. I have decided to concentrate on combining my portraits and my printed textile designs together for a while. I have been working in design studios for over 20 years and would like to work on my own designs now. Here is a quick sketch of my daughter Lila-Pearl 11 and her brother Edward 9 months old. So, we ran the 10k Great Newham race yesterday in the heat and humidity! We both have very dodgy running vest shaped sunburn to prove it 😂 Thank you so much for all your sponsors. We are raised £1,607.75- how amazing!From my 'Life after Mark' series...
Lila-Pearl asleep... I sat at the end of Lila's bed, just watching her sleep. I was overcome with disbelief and pain. How could this have happened to such a young child? Lila-Pearl and her Daddy were inseparable, it was so unfair. Mark had looked after Lila-Pearl every day since she was 9 months old, when I returned to work after maternity leave, right up until she went to school. He then picked her up from school every day and was never late. They loved spending the school holidays together. Mark was always there for Lila-Pearl, but then all of a sudden he was gone. As I sat at the end of the bed, watching Lila-Pearl sleeping, I made the decision that this would not ruin her life. Mark would have hated that. I will do everything I can to make sure Lila-Pearl has a happy childhood. It has been so difficult, but we are on this journey together. We talk about Daddy all the time. He will always be close to us in our hearts, and having him there will keep us strong. Lila-Pearl has always loved cats and Mark and I promised to get her a kitten at the end of the Summer holidays. Mark died on the first day of the Summer holidays and I felt I had to keep to our promise. It was such a terribly painful and emotional time and I wasn't sure of the best way to go about getting a cat, having never owned one before. Lila-Pearl had gone back to school and I had just started back at work and so on top of that it all seemed very overwhelming. I was recommended Celia Hammond animal rescue trust so I contacted them. They sent someone around straight away to make sure we were suitable to adopt a cat. By the weekend we had 10 month old Mittens, originally named Xena. Lila-Pearl knew this was the cat she wanted. We changed her name to Mittens but it seemed she still had some Xena Princess Warrior in her. She wouldn't let us near her at first and would bite and scratch. It was clear that Mittens hadn't had a great start in life. Gaining her trust was emotionally tough for all of us, but now Mittens has settled in she is a total softy and we love her very much. I feel we have all helped each other in so many ways...
'Mark's clothes' (2016) 16" x 20" Oil mixed with a small amount of Mark's ashes on linen.11/23/2016 Boots Jacket Trousers Waistcoat Grandad t-shirt Flat cap Pants Socks These are the clothes I chose for Mark to wear for his cremation. He loved these clothes but he thought the boots were too old, however, he always wore them over anything else. They have so much of his character in them. I worked from a photograph I took at the time.
Lila-Pearl and I made a decision to paint a small amount of Mark's ashes into this painting, we did it together... A cause so very close to my heart 💔...
It's the start of #childrensgriefawarenessweek and we're spreading awareness of bereaved children and young people in the UK My beautiful Nanna passed away last Sunday, and will be missed so much. Here is a portrait I painted of my Nan in 2011 X
January 2025